I want to express my thanks and appreciation for providing our agents with a lively and beneficial seminar regarding personal finance. Your presentations were well received by all that attended. The younger agents of course will reap the most benefit from your knowledge and expertise. You proved that it is not late for some of us "old dogs" to learn a few new tricks before retirement. Your passion for this subject is clearly evident. You keep things lively and make all your presentations enjoyable and thought provoking.
You connect very well with our agents. Your understanding of our work environment helps give you instant credibility. You have obviously taken the time and interest to learn about us as a work force. This feeling of trust allows for a more open mind when it comes to developing a "financial plan".
Your presentations were down to earth and in layman terms. Your examples on the various work sheets were easy to follow and understand. The work sheets allow us to refresh our memories when necessary and plug in our own personal information. Your honesty and integrity are the intangibles that obviously differentiate you and Financial Solutions from so many others in this field.
Joseph C. Rayball Jr.
Field Operations Supervisor
Chula Vista Border Patrol Station
I would like to thank you for your presentation on Legal Lessons for Life at Nokia. Your presentation was well received by all that attended. The feedback I have received from our employees have all been positive.
We look forward to working with you again in the future.
Best Regards,
Vivian Kitten
Employee Services
I'd like to take a moment to thank you for seminar series you've been putting on here at QUALCOMM Inc. From ·a programmer planner's standpoint, you have been wonderful to work with, making my job easy by putting forth a great product with relatively little effort on my part.
From a participant's standpoint. you have been even better. The seminars have been informative and professionally conducted, with a just the right amount of informality to make participants
comfortable. The sessions have been popular and well received by the employees here. I look forward to our continued relationship in bringing even more financial planning seminars to the employees at QUALCOMM Inc.
Tom Wagner
HR Specialist
I wish to thank you for the series of financial planning seminars you presented at Mycogen. The varied topics from investments to estate planning. Truly assisted our employees with becoming responsible for their financial future. The presentations were done with no sales pressure. as we have experienced, with other seminars. and were presented in a format that was easy to understand for all employees.
The speakers you provided were all well versed on the subject matter. I look forward to working with you again in the near future.
Frank Georgia
Human Resources Manager
Mycogen Corporation
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your presentation to our office staff today. The topic, “First Time Home Buyers – Issues of Real Estate,” was well attended and feedback from the attendees was all very positive.
Several small groups of employees continued conversations during break time amongst themselves. This was a good sign of learning in action. The information was pertinent and might well have contributed to the employees’ financial ‘peace of mind’ in this challenging economy.
Your willingness to share personal anecdotes to better explain each of the tips and strategies you addressed was a real plus. From “Tips Every First Time Buyer Should Know” to “Credit Scores and Debt Income” to “Mortgage Options and Types,” you covered all the basics, all the while engaging the participants with opportunities to ask questions relating to her or his own situation.
I believe I can speak for the staff in extending our thanks, once again, Mr. Lumiqued for your willingness to share your time and expertise. We’ve enjoyed meeting you and Ms. Morrison and will look forward to future SOFA presentations.
Karen Adams
Active Health Event Coordinator
Pasadena Branch 89 Paychex, Inc.
It has been our pleasure to work with Walt Cameron, a representative of SOFA (The Society for Financial Awareness), in holding money management and financial planning seminars for our employees.
Walt Cameron comes with a plethora of knowledge and many years of experience in the field of finance, and has been very helpful in educating our employees in various aspects of money management. He is a very engaging speaker, loaded with energy and enthusiasm.
We appreciate our relationship with Mr. Cameron, and look forward to receiving more education and knowledge as he lends his expertise in financial matters.
Mitchelle Courtney
Corporate Benefits Coordinator
Integrity Home Care
I can’t tell you enough what a pleasure it was having you at our staff meeting this morning! Your topic, "Getting Fiscally Fit", was informative and well received by those in attendance.
Whenever I receive positive feedback from staff and management, long after the presenter has left, I know I have accomplished my goal of providing an educational and entertaining staff meeting.
Thank you, Jim, for providing us the avenue to educate our staff members on the importance of having a personal financial blueprint. We, in the credit union industry only know too well the financial problems our members encounter. The credit union philosophy is "people helping people" and if we can pass on the information we gained through your presentation to our members, then we have done our job.
I am grateful we had the opportunity to "join forces" and I look forward to the possibility of having you speak at future staff meetings.
Pennv Sandifer
Vice President, Administration
Marine Corps West Federal Credit Union
This past weekend Collier County Public Schools had the honor of having Ms. Marilyn Prevoir with Monamie Wealth & Retirement participate in our first annual Financial Wellness Fair. Ms. Prevoir was assigned to us after submitting an inquiry for a local speaker to present an educational workshop on investing.
The information Ms. Prevoir presented in our "Investing Basics workshop was well received by our employees. We have received positive feedback from our employees on the workshop content and Ms. Prevoir's presentation. She was a delight to have and her participation was greatly appreciated.
I would like to thank SOFA for providing such a beneficial service to our community through these educational workshops, and for working with professionals like Ms. Prevoir to help educate our employees. What an invaluable service!
Jeanna I. Sims
Specialist, Benefits & Wellness
I have had the privilege of working with the Society for Financial Awareness and Jim Toddy since July of 2014. Our public library staff wanted to expand its offerings of engaging, valuable programs for adults, especially in the area of financial literacy. After looking at other libraries and contacting SOFA, we were put in touch with Jim Toddy.
At every part of the process, Jim has acted with integrity, professionalism, and a wealth of knowledge. He understood that our adult programs were in a formative stage and was very willing to assist us with outreach. Jim always acted within the boundaries of our guidelines for presenters, yet was open to providing extra attention to those with specific questions. His audience grew, and has brought in repeat attendees. Today, Mr. Toddy’s programs remain a much-appreciated aspect of our adult programming menu.
We have been very glad to work with Jim Toddy and SOFA over the past months, and look forward to continuing his programming series.
Shelley Reddy
Adult Services Program Coordinator
Queen Creek Library
Maricopa County Library District
On behalf of the employees of the United States Mint at San Francisco I want to express our appreciation to you for all the training you provided to us during the month of July. Your timely presentations on Tax Planning. Financial Blunders, First-Time Homebuyers, Long-term Health Care, Investing Basics, You and Your Credit Scores, Getting Fiscally Fit, Options for a Quality Retirement, Retirement and Beyond, Stress and Your Health, and Increase your Health and Wellness were great topics that will help get our employees to start seriously thinking about their futures. Not only have the employees commented on the great job you did but they are curious about other topics and want to know when you will be returning.
As a government agency, it is hard to find speakers to come and talk to your employees (and cover all three shifts) about important topics about life and financial awareness, at no cost and without selling a product or service. For this alone we are grateful, add to this very informative presentations and excellent handouts and our gratitude is multiplied.
I enjoyed meeting you, and again I want to thank you for coming to the United States Mint at San Francisco and sharing vital and timely information with us. If the opportunity presents itself again, we hope you come out and hold another presentation.
Marceline Myles
Employee Development Specialist
Human Resources Division
United States Mint at San Francisco
I had the privilege of partnering with Sobha Potu to facilitate a financial planning workshop for our employees. I cannot express enough how invaluable the experience was. It was evident that Sobha was not just knowledgeable but truly passionate about empowering individuals with financial literacy.
Throughout the workshop, Sobha provided an abundance of practical information, insightful resources, and comprehensive financial education. Her expertise shone through as she effortlessly guided us through complex
financial concepts, making them accessible and understandable to all attendees, regardless of their background or prior knowledge.
What truly stood out about Sobha was her professionalism and responsiveness. She is eager to assist, whether it is answering questions during the workshop or providing additional support afterwards.
I highly recommend her workshops to anyone seeking to gain a deeper understanding of personal finance and take proactive steps towards financial success. Thank you, Sobha, for your outstanding commitment to educating
and empowering others in the realm of financial planning.
--Leah Sanchez, HR Manager, Audigy
I want to personally thank you for the time you invested in preparing and presenting the above workshop to our members. You kept the subject matter lively and engaging and challenged our members to begin thinking about their financial "blueprint”.
Your presentation was well received and the handouts will serve as useful tools to our members as they begin the steps to develop their own financial plans. Comments such as "I'll stop procrastinating," and "I'll get started NOW" convince me our members appreciated the straightforward and useful information.
We look forward to working with SOFA on future financial education workshops and will not hesitate to call for assistance. Thanks again for sharing your expertise in financial management with our members.
Best regards,
Jim Lumpkin
President and CEO
USA Agencies Credit Union
Housing. Dining and Hospitality at UCSD recently hosted a Financial Education Seminar presented by Kal Reece with SOFA. This extremely knowledgeable presenter provided valuable and extremely relevant Information.
The content was well organized and quite compelling, clearty motivating the diverse audience to give more consideration to their finances and their futures. Many attendees requested additional classes and the opportunity to receive individualized advice.
Would definitely recommend this program to other organizations and look forward to our next educational seminar.
Cindy Laurence-Huffaker
Training Manager
UC San Diego, HDH