The Society for Financial Awareness is a 501(c)(3) non profit public benefit corporation. Our mission is to provide financial education across America, one community at a time. We are comprised of professionals, throughout the nation, with varying specialties. These professionals provide valuable services to their communities. One of the ways they do that is through informational workshops that are presented to individuals, companies, and organizations.
These events are designed to educate and help attendees understand and address a variety of financial topics and concerns. Our members include Financial Advisors, Estate Planning Attorneys, Insurance Professionals, Accountants, Realtors, Mortgage Brokers, Credit Counselors and Health & Wellness Practitioners.
Founded in 1993, we have had the opportunity and privilege to work with various prominent companies and organizations across America. Our educational and informational financial outreach, and years of continued success, has provided us name recognition and a reputation of excellence.
Our SOFA members, utilizing their credentials and personal qualifications, donate time in the community conducting no-cost, no obligation financial seminar workshops to individuals, companies, and organizations. Our seminars satisfy the Department of Labor's ERISA 404(c) Requirement for companies offering any type of defined contribution pension plan to employees.We provide a wide range of enriching financial topics which have included: "Getting Fiscally Fit", "Financial Blunders", "Exploring Your Options for a Quality Retirement", to "Solving Debt", "College Planning", and many others.
This "continuing" series format is designed for the yearning learning seminar attendee.Our workshop content covers a wide variety of valuable "topic-specific" information meaningful to attendees. We conduct our seminars at no cost and no obligation to the attendees. Though these workshops may generically introduce various types of financial products to enlighten the attendee on their proper purpose, it is the relevant intent of each speaker to keep the specific workshop informative, entertaining, and educational to the attendee at all times.
SOFA members, pledge in their membership to provide time, going out in their communities to promote SOFA, to conduct "topic-specific" seminar workshops drawn from their personal qualifications and credentials presenting to individuals, companies, and organizations. SOFA provides multiple avenues for consumers to experience a SOFA seminar and engage the services of our SOFA members. SOFA's format is presented in two easy to administer scenarios:
A) One choice is, many of our workshops offer a brown bag "lunch and learn" format, usually presented at companies and organizations. These are typically conducted in a conference room, fellowship hall, or common gathering place. The sponsoring company or organization may wish to provide food or refreshments, it's strictly an option that is provided by the host. SOFA members are considered an invited guest, thus, not responsible for any associated costs with that company or organization who is hosting the promoted event. All content and promotional pieces (flyers and handouts) are provided to the host (by the guest SOFA member) for dispersal to their people three weeks in advance.
B) The other method is when our members choose a lunch or dinner seminar format that they elect to promote, sponsor, provide food/refreshments, and any and all costs associated with marketing the workshops to the invited attendees. These dinner seminars may be conducted in restaurants, hotels, or public libraries. SOFA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public benefit corporation established to provide and promote financial education to it's seminar attendees. Thus, hopefully both parties benefiting. The attendee/client fulfilling various financial needs.